Financial Hardship

What is Financial Hardship?

Life is full of ups and downs and Hume Bank is here for you when it matters.

Hardship Assistance might sound like something scary but really it just means helping you get back on top of your finances. This might look like us setting up a payment plan, altering loan repayments or varying a loan to support you during a tough time.

You might need help with your credit card repayments, personal loan, car loan or home loan. There’s no cost involved in reaching out to talk to us about making changes.

Even if you aren’t experiencing financial hardship right now, but think you might be soon, we’re here to help. Reach out to us today.

Regional financial counselling services

Who they are How to contact them
St David’s Uniting Care 02 6021 7099
593 Olive Street, Albury
Upper Murray Family Care

02 9161 5533
27-29 Stanley Street, Wodonga

03 5720 0000
36 Mackay Street, Wangaratta


02 6041 4227
562 Englehardt Street, Albury

02 6937 1555
6-12 Church Street, Wagga Wagga

03 5721 9088
24 Ely St, Wangaratta